Study Music: Two Playlists to Help You Survive Finals Week

It's that time of the year. It's no surprise that reviewing a semester's worth of material can quickly become a drag through those hardcore study sessions during reading days.

My friend Rebecca Somer -- known as rshizzay on SoundCloud -- and I have each created a playlist optimal for studying. That means minimal-to-no lyrics, colorful melodies to keep your mind's creative juices flowing, and beats to activate maximum motivation.

Hope this helps you during your study grind, and good luck on finals!

REBECCA'S PLAYLIST // "finals 11/12"


An ambient, wave-like playlist with an experimental feel and old-school, hip-hop vibe.

MY PLAYLIST // "trap / study / go"


A dark, bass-heavy playlist filled with vocal chops and trap beats to motivate you to get in the zone.

Want more study music? Check out my other study playlist here, as well as my first 'music for productivity' post.